

The Economic Theory group is proposing different seminars:

Roy-Adres Seminar Economic Theory

The aim of the Roy seminar is mainly the development of Economic Theory, in particular through its ramifications towards applied fields including Industrial Organization, Market Design, Insurance, Finance, Public economics, Political economy, Labor economics and the dialog with complementary methodologies (structural econometrics, experimental economics)… Go to this seminar webpage

Lunch Seminar TOM (Theory, Organisation and Markets)

L’objectif du Lunch séminaire TOM (Théorie, Organisation et Marchés) est de fournir un cadre convivial et régulier dans lequel des recherches en cours peuvent être discutées de façon informelle. Les travaux seront à contenu principal théorique autour des thèmes marchés / jeux / finance / contrats / enchères / rationalité / organisations… Go to this seminar webpage

PhD reading group in economic theory

The PhD reading group in economic theory takes place twice a month on Monday from 09:30 to 10:45. The aim of the reading group is to allow PhD students to present their preliminary research projects as well as recent papers in the economic theory literature. To participate to the reading group, please contact frederic [dot] koessler [at] psemail [dot] eu

>> An online agenda is also available on the PSE website, that includes all the seminars, conferences, thesis defenses…